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Site Selectors Guild report predicts the rise of the FDI megaproject

A survey from the Site Selectors Guild shows that FDI megaprojects are set to increase in popularity over the next five years.

A Site Selectors Guild (SSG) survey released on 17 May indicates that numbers of foreign direct investment (FDI) megaprojects are expected to remain constant or increase over the next five years as the world continues its recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The SSG characterises FDI megaprojects as being an investment of more than $1bn in value, creating hundreds, or even thousands, of jobs, typically located on large-scale sites (more than 90,000m2 of land) and with large-scale infrastructure required.

Explaining this growth, Glenn Barklie, chief economist at Investment Monitor, says: “The development of new technologies and trends bring large-scale profit opportunities. Companies are willing to invest large sums in order to harness their market position and be at the forefront of industry developments.”

Indeed, the consistent evolution brought on by industry 4.0 does demand that businesses consistently consider the adoption of advanced technologies in a bid to streamline practices. Alongside this, the supply chain and manufacturing slowdown brought on by Covid-19 has shone a spotlight on the importance of the advantage these advanced technologies can offer.

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