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3rd Anniversary of WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement sees increased Implementation

Three years since the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) entered into force on 22 February 2017, WTO members have continued to make steady progress in its implementation. Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, on the occasion of the TFA’s third anniversary, welcomed members’ efforts to ensure traders can reap the full benefits of the Agreement.

The TFA, the first multilateral deal concluded in the 25-year history of the WTO, contains members' commitments to expedite the movement, release and clearance of goods across borders. As of the TFA's third anniversary, 91% of the membership have already ratified the Agreement. It entered into force three years ago when the WTO obtained the two-thirds acceptance of the Agreement from its 164 members.

“Through this landmark reform, WTO members are working to ensure that the global trading system creates more prosperity for people,”  Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said. “Delivering easier and faster trade through the TFA is a bright spot in international economic relations. WTO members are building upon the Agreement with continued cooperation and commitment.”

The chair of the Committee on Trade Facilitation, Ambassador Mohammad Qurban Haqjo (Afghanistan), said: “On this third anniversary, we now have a roadmap for the implementation of the Agreement by all developing country members in addition to those members which are already implementing the TFA in full. This is a very significant achievement.”

GTDW China Trade Development Week Forum & Expo 16-18 June 2020

全球贸易发展周-中国论坛 | 2020年6月16日至18日 | 中国上海

TFA Committees, Customs, Tax & Ministries of Trade are invited to enjoy LIMITED FREE passes to attend GTDW China Trade Development Forum, 16-18 June, Shanghai email for details.

Join key decision-makers, supply chain & logistics, ports, airports, carriers, maritime & zones from the region to explore opportunities to facilitate and increase sustainable and seamless cross border trade, and to drive and enhance connectivity, standardisation, digitalisation and interoperability in international trade and supply chains

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